Welcome to the website of James Gritz. I have been making images for over 45 years traveling extensively in India, Nepal, Ladakh, Tibet, Bhutan, Cambodia, Africa, Mexico, Europe, etc. My work has been published in a numerous books and magazines and exhibited in the Europe, Mexico and the United States. All images are available as prints, framed prints.
SELECTED PUBLICATIONS: Outside Magazine, National Geographic (on-line), New Age Journal, Shambhala Sun, Worth, Diversion, Audubon, Bodhi Magazine, GEO, Stern, Oceans (Harper Collins-contributor and photo editor) and Spirit of the Whale (Voyager Press), “The book of Man” (Scribner 1994, book cover) and many others.
This example website features work from the following photographers:
Alexander Popov
Airam Dato On
Andre Hunter
Ash Edmonds
Chester Wade
Dan Gold
Daniel Monteiro
Dean Bennett
Drew Beamer
Drew Graham
Efe Kurnaz
Fabio Ballasina
Finn Hackshaw
Jack Gibson
Laura Cleffmann
Leodgario Pescador
Marvin Ronsdorf
Mike Kononov
Michael Kemp
Moritz Mentges
Muhd Asyraaf
Pawel Czerwinski
Rhett Wesley
Rhum Phan
Ryan Tang
Sandro Katalina
Steven Roe
Tony Reid
Vinicius Amnx Amano
Wes Hicks